Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Objectives of our group

1. To promote and spread awareness about child adoption, and to educate ourselves and our society against the myths surrounding child adoption. This will create an environment in the Indian society that is more conducive to the concept of adoption, hence encouraging more people to consider adoption

2.To build a strong, national level forum consisting of current adoptive parents, prospective adoptive parents, and others willing to spread awareness regarding child adoption in India.

3. To establish PGCAI as a non-profit institution with an identity as a people based platform. This platform will serve as a ground for common man and NGO's to interact and communicate, and voice out opinions related to adoption laws to the concerned government bodies and adoption agencies.

4. To establish a database of the prospective adoptive parents across India and to help them in the process of adoption, especially with regard to adoption procedures and pre-adoption counseling.

5. To provide information regarding the legal rights of adoptive parents and voice our support in preserving these rights. One such support is towards enforcing implementation of adoption leave across companies in the private sector in India.

6. To work in close association with adoption agencies to help them put together a transparent system for the process of adoption.

7. To support proposition of amendments to existing laws related to adoption such that more orphan children become legally eligible for adoption.

8. To gather volunteers who can counsel and guide prospective parents through pre-adoption and post-adoption.

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